Thursday, December 16, 2010

Chase's first time playing in the snow

We had our first snow this year and Chase is finally old enough to bundle up and head out, especially since it was only 1-2 inches of snow.

Chase all bundled up! He's trying to warm his freezing hands because he won't keep mittens on.

We've not taken down the Halloween witch...she's pretty cute and the girls like her. So we topped her with a santa hat and now we can keep her up longer!

The kids were cleaning sidewalks at our neighbors' houses as their daily service.

Isabel tossing a snowball at the camera. Unfortunately, the snow was very powdery and the kids were disappointed that it would not stick together.

Not sure what to make of it all...he kept batting hsi eyelashes to get the snowflakes off.

A true ya Belly!


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